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So we have a high energy day by far

Best to relax and consider where we are

Energy is designed for fine clear direction

It doesn’t do well with a panicked emotion.

A strong energy is mapped calmly and allowed to be loose

It’s channelled wisely to the productive use

This is what all the big winners will say

Despite they don’t walk the mystic path every day.

If they’re mystics you’d get results so amazing

Far beyond what the crowd was comprehending.

Big winners aren’t always comfortable with an etheric thrall

Unless that is, it’s practical to all.

Jesus rode a magic carpet to distant stars blue

As he knew that this road map was true.

That’s why He went where few are able to go

As awaiting there, are pure wonders few might know.




Bosnia bus station


Some ideas are funnier than others

Some jokes wanting to be told, are held back

Some basic laws of behavior should be respected

Sometimes it’s best to go on a long voyage.

Those who don’t travel are missing out not just on scenery

But on the freedom that comes from a mind emptied of clutter and habit.

A new place, the familiar junk is emptied 

To make way for new folks one meets. 

Prayer is a process of sending ideas up to God. 

And not being sure about God is all right, because no one knows God expertly. 

They only know that God IS.  And that’s often pretty good. 

God must be the sum of all prayers, the turbine to bring it all into a primal force. 

That force is mixed into a current called LIFE.

and the result is something that really works.  It becomes a world. 

In the morning I might have asked her:   what’s your task today? What will you do? 

And coming back in the evening, simply asked:    and how did it go?

Water under the bridge.

My new task is to forgive all.