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prairie in August



Parked my car and walked into the simple roadside cafe,

150 kilometers west of Mumford and 120 east of the foothills.

I asked for the usual, with the usual honey on the side.

I thought about the bug I had let out the window, a half hour ago …. after it had burrowed its way to the bottom of the windshield, as bugs always do, when you try to get them out.

I wondered if he misses his family he left another hour back when he flew in, and if they’ll be concerned when he doesn’t show up for work.

I thought about all the big plans, and awoke from the reverie as she placed the cup in front of me.

I poured in some cream then added the honey. Took a good sip.

I looked around the place.   A few farmers and truckers, doing the same as me. Glad for the moment, to look and think and reflect. Legs stretched out.

We all looked at each other, took a good sip, and then we all sighed.

Just imagine those flakey types who say we are all one.

I thought about play and about work. The notions of gratitude, and of forgiveness, showed up in my mind.

They’re hard work all right.  At least the forgiveness part.

But then ….  If you do one thing in your day, if you do these, you’ve done a good day’s work.

Then you can park your truck, wander into a small cafe in the middle of the prairie, ask for a hot cup, with honey on the side, and feel pretty good about things.

I looked up and saw a dozen faces all agreeing with me, small smiles on the corners of their faces.

As for the bug, he has a long ride back.  After he enters someone else’s window, going the other way.

But please, don’t burrow deeper in the windshield, when the driver is trying to let you out. Think of your friends and family.





If I’m on edge from time to time,

It’s because I momentarily forgot God’s all-encompassing peace.

If I insist on revelation that will magically change everything,

I need to know it’s for the better.

If I want a deep insight, I need to make some room for it.

Then, it may come, the way a breeze or a sparrow comes.





A day spent in keen focus

Becomes a day of bonus.

Disciplined ideas are fine

As forces start to align.

So stop and allow reflection

To recollect an overall direction.

Things to do in saturation

Could be good situation.

It’s finding an ideal timing

For energy all there abiding.

Things are energy to begin with

I’ve heard that this is not a myth.

Ultimately people are moving energy

And a poets words, exact synergy.



boarding pass …


I have flown in the sky, from time to time …

far as that plane would take me, an experience fine.  

They were all really good jets, fueled and primed,

eager faces seeking, new adventures sublime.

Once I hopped off the stair and onto the tarmac

at hot dusty Calcutta; India hit me like smack. 

I voyaged to the deep tropics alleviating winter’s itch,

and saw buffaloes playing, in the roadside ditch.

On a Korean domestic run, the ascent was so steep,

the pilot was playing with his hot-rod so sleek.

Give me cash or credit card, and surely I’ll fly,

The thrill of the leaving, the call of the sky.

God is a notion of traveling free.

There’s no religion finer than a vagabond’s glee.

I flew to campaign once, in the north of Alberta,

it was high adventure, but had its share of inertia.

Flying over deserts at night you see all the tiny lights,

that sparkle from a thousand wells, flaming off plumes so bright.

With a window seat, you see the shapes of the land,

crevices in the mountains, new rivers being born.

You see vast areas of brown, and you ask, who lives there?

maybe just small critters, you surmise so high up in the air.

There was a descent over brilliant snowy peaks

along the Salish Sea, coming into False Creek.

I’ve flown more times than I can recall.

But maybe that’s good, in the feeling overall. 

Someday I shall go to Arcturus or Vega,

to the Pleaidies or Sirius, and meet up with blue folks.

Or will I do this by remote-view, not even needing a jet.

Either way will be good, a trip to never forget.




this represents Oba in 2 dimensions only …