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I search up at the sky

For the meaning of it

It’s there for a reason

And how far does it go?


But do I need to measure

And is vast good enough?

Simple is enough

In the face of the genuine.


I flew in that sky

Now it makes sense.

I was up there for sure

But I’m feeling it now.


I found myself there.

Chewing on packets of food

In my narrow seat 

In the vast open space


I’ve been gifted a lot.

Now i rest strategically.

I need to return

To that simple location.


God filled my wallet

And cleaned off my desk.

I looked at that sky

I knew it was hers.


I’m ready to answer

And too smart to object

Having been there before

From here to the vast.




to pause and consider


I spoke with the Sun not so long ago. 

Turned to the light so that I might know.  

I asked if things could be set a bit right 

The Sun said yes, to my great delight.


I don’t get overly complex with Sol

I stand and I ask, I place a call

It’s a bit of magic but also much more.

How can I explain what’s deep to the core.


It’s the light before light, anciently new. 

It’s a power and feeling, what else is true?

If I stumble with noise I just ask you for time

And clean brevity will take the form for our rhyme.





endless solution to risk



I would simply reach God,

But if I tried that, would it be an annihilation?

I heard that somewhere.

If God is all love,

Then how could my meeting her

(and I do say her carefully here)

Be risky in any way,

And will I find out, once this drug wears off?


Is God really a series of stages,

and when we deserve that ultimate great stage,

God paves the way for us to step up to it?

Do we get love, or do we actually deserve it.

To deserve it, we must first give it.

It’s an amazing non-linear law.


An oppressively dark narrative came like a large cloud,

And it passed over the land,

and all the little people shook to the core.

Eventually it passed, but it left many scars.

The days to come will tell the tale of that.

We must give love to deserve, because that love is God’s true nourishment.




why separate?



I asked Rabi’a to pray for a cousin.

She said, sure enough, because aspects of her are immortal.

But will you tutor her to see things so well as you do?

Don’t ever judge her, Rabi’a replied,

She knows it already, even though it’s misty.

But how can I tell, I asked.

Because she’s already been in you, Rabi’a said, a deeper part of you.

So what made this theatre we did, I asked. 

Indeed, said this teacher, yet don’t go about judging yourself harshly either.

I could simply bow and feel very glad

For tasting a discreet holiness.






… to carry a golden crown



I know very little about Light,

So why even ask me.

I only surmise that it fills the heavens,

And causes the birds to sing.

It brings a majestic glow to the landscape.

It caresses the flowers to reach,

to lean closer and to bloom so brightly.

It will bring spirits to awaken,

Even attract souls to peace and great gladness.

But actually I know quite little about Light.

So please don’t even ask.







She needed one onion, to complete her dinner.

A bird then flew over,  and dropped an onion right into her pot.

She had dinner that night, without the onion. 


She knew there were things, 

Much more true than magic. 





my golden ring




He met her on a foreign coast, 

the Masai color market.

A cold hard trucker 

From the northern wastes,

He was pulled in quite fast. 

And they honeymooned on safari. 


A cheetah sat far in the distance.

Elephants lumbered by 

Followed by their babies.

Lions having dinner,

Giraffes shyly loping by.


He took what she offered, 

Surely nothing he was used to.

The youth overcame his doubts,

But now he was in a dream. 

And had no other recourse 

Than to navigate the moments 

The One who sees all 

Doesn’t wish to overanalyze. 

So he looks inward not out, 

Darkness becomes light, 

And light becomes practical. 









A marriage needs to be a correct thing.

Where sincerity lives and thrives.

No ulterior motives between

Two distinct individuals 

Their personalities will and must adjust. 

There are two currents, one seen, one not. 

Lasting benefit pervades the experience. 

True intention is always more real than reactive response.

Where the One Cause rests in the background

Of an adventure whose outcome relies ….

On things not expressed or much less expected.






break the spell



A woman named Zaynab, 

Once lost her kinfolk to the imperative of a violent religion. 

Since she was practical, she decided to bake a gift to the leader of that violent movement. 

He ate and so did his servant. 

The servant keeled over on the spot.

Because that dinner was leavened, 

With special ingredients. 

The prophet took a little longer, two years in fact. 

This was because God wanted him to reflect well

on all the pain and suffering he had caused. 

Over the many years of his very special assignments. 

God doesn’t fool around when it comes 

To balancing the scales. 



There are a few Robert Godbout ‘s on the net.  This one has an alias, Robaire.

Or best of all…..          OBA.

the ancestral name.


A poet expresses beyond his wants and desires.

Sure ….